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Finmatics-Software Demo-Account - Terms and Conditions

Finmatics-Software Demo-Account - Terms and Conditions

Finmatics GmbH, Lindengasse 41/2nd floor, 1070 Vienna, FN 466381 f ("we", "us") is a software company that has developed a software solution for the automation of accounting ("Finmatics-Software") and makes it available to customers for a fee.

Interested parties ("Users") may test the functionalities in a free demo account ("Demo-Account") for a limited time, in any case for a maximum of 30 days, before entering into a paid contract with us for the provision of the Finmatics-Software.

These terms and conditions are subject to change. These terms and conditions apply exclusively to the use of the Demo-Account. The Demo-Account is not part of the contract for the paid provision of the Finmatics-Software.

1. Scope of Service

Users can register for a Demo-Account by e-mail and assigning a password. The registration must be confirmed by the User by clicking on an approval link sent to the previously given e-mail address, otherwise the account will be deleted automatically.

The User can upload and edit test documents in the Demo-Account to get to know the functionalities of the Finmatics-Software. The Demo-Account is intended to provide preliminary, non-binding information about the functionalities of the Finmatics-Software and is not intended for use in full operation.


2. Exclusion of Liability

Although the Demo-Account has been carefully created, we assume no liability for its accuracy, actuality and completeness. The Demo-Account may not be updated regularly. Consequently, we also accept no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the results generated by the Demo-Account or for any conclusions drawn or decisions made by Users or third parties based on the use of the Demo-Account.

The results generated in the Demo-Account are created in an automated manner, based on the entries made or test documents provided by the User. It is therefore possible that the results generated by the Demo-Account do not adequately take into account and reflect all factors and risks that may be relevant to the individual User's situation. The results do not constitute an advisory service and cannot replace advice from Finmatics employees, taking into account the specific circumstances of the User.

We accept no liability whatsoever for the content of websites referred to in the Demo-Account. Only the operator of the websites in question is liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete information and for damages of any kind arising from the use or non-use of information from such websites.

Furthermore, we do not guarantee a certain availability or accessibility of the Demo-Account. We also reserve the right to change, restrict or discontinue the Demo-Account at any time and without prior notice.


3. Rights to Use

The Demo-Account and the content of the Demo-Account itself are protected by copyright. All rights, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute the Demo-Account and the content, are reserved by Finmatics. The Demo-Account may not be reproduced in any way or modified (possibly by using electronic systems), copied or distributed without prior written permission.

The User is granted a limited, non-exclusive right, revocable at any time, to use the Demo-Account and the content provided therein solely for the purpose of getting to know the functions of the Finmatics-Software.


4. Data Protection and Confidentiality

When using the Demo-Account, the User must ensure that they only enter or upload data and documents into the Demo-Account that the User is authorized to process. The User is obligated not to upload or process any personal information or data affected by confidentiality obligations in the Demo-Account.


5. Obligations of the User

The User assures the legally compliant use of the Demo-Account and will in particular comply with applicable data protection law and the provisions of these terms and conditions. Users may be excluded from using the Demo-Account at any time and without prior notice in the event of non-compliance.


6. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Austrian law shall apply, excluding the Austrian provisions on renvoi. The possible applicability of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods is excluded. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Vienna.